Mountainside Savanna Village at Spawn

Minecraft Desert Seed

Seed: vfqcsd
Seed Code: -819063149
Platform: Minecraft PC/Mac (Java)
Tested On: Minecraft 1.12


Fire up Minecraft and enter the seed ‘vfqcsd’.  You will find yourself in the tall grass of a savanna biome. Just across a bay is a mountainous savanna biome. And, on that mountain there’s a savanna village. The village is built into the mountain including the village buildings and farm plots. One of the most dramatic buildings is the church which is near the top of the mountain, stood up on a high foundation that integrates into the steep mountainside.

Minecraft Seed Screenshots

Village from Game Spawn
From the game spawn point turn to the rising sun to see the village.

Village Home Savanna Ocean View
One villager’s home has a great view of the savanna and ocean beyond.
User Rating 4.3 (10 votes)

More Minecraft Seeds

4 Replies to “Mountainside Savanna Village at Spawn”

  1. I have a question; does somebody know where these seeds come from?

    I am working on a project of an university where children are educated with minigames made in minecraft. Some of these maps would be perfect as a starting base, but I don’t want use maps made by other people (since I get paid to make these minigames) unless they are made by minecraft itself and completely free to use.

    I would appreciate a response !

    Kind regards and nice day to y’all

    1. Chris, seeds are a feature built into every edition of Minecraft. There is an algorithm called the world render algorithm which generates all of the terrain and generated structures. When you start a new game of Minecraft you have the option of entering a seed. If one isn’t entered, the game substitutes the current date and time from the player’s computer/device. The seed is used by the algorithm to provide uniqueness to what is generated. All the seeds on our site we found and tested. As seeds are a feature of Minecraft, you are absolutely free to use any of our seeds as a starting point to the minigames you are making. All we ask is if you do post about your minigames that you might consider throwing us a shout out and a link to that seed. You don’t have to, but if you did we’d appreciate it! 🙂 Have a great day, and lets us know if you have any other questions.

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