Dense Jungle, Mesa and Desert Java Edition Seed

Minecraft Jungle Seed

Seed Code:311299596
Minecraft:PC/Mac (Minecraft Java Edition)
Tested On:Minecraft 1.14


This is a pretty good looking seed. The best features at spawn are the biomes the have come together right at the game spawn point. Once the world seed renders you start on a jungle on the shore of an ocean. The jungle is dense, and continues both inland and in one direction down the coast. Small islands (including one really curious looking one) can be seen in the distance.

In the other direction you’ll find the mesa biome (badlands) which turns to desert. Also, if you follow the ocean channel between the jungle and mesa biomes you’ll come up on a large, very out of place iceberg!

Minecraft Seed Screenshots

Minecraft Jungle and Ocean Biomes Spawn
The dense jungle and ocean biomes in one direction from the spawn point.
Mesa Biome, Desert Biome
The mesa and desert biomes just across the ocean from the spawn point.
User Rating 4.1 (20 votes)

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4 Replies to “Dense Jungle, Mesa and Desert Java Edition Seed”

  1. I amplified this and got a really, really cool coral sea inside a hole like hole in the rainforest (like a volcano ditch but really big) I made a rainforest city in there overlooking this.

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